Live Performance: Phoenix Radio – 19 May

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Some of you might have thought a live performance of my own music would be inevitable, but it really was the last thing on my mind given how busy I have been with The KT Bush Band.

Our lead singer, Jodie, had previously suggested that I should perform more of my own music way back during our first rehearsals as a band! Apart from the thoroughly enjoyable folk music gig, my sole outlet so far have been the songs that I perform alongside Kate’s in The KT Bush Band live set (as they did all those years ago!).

Vic and Steve have always been true supporters of my own songs, but I had often wondered Who would want to hear my compositions as part of a full evenings entertainment?

Now, with the wonderful help of several The KT Bush Band members, my first foray into the singer/songwriter mix via Internet radio is about to be realised on Friday 19th May in the quaint Phoenix Radio live lounge! And there will be room for guests at a nominal fee.

This will be the first airing of a mini opera entitled Peckham Boys – based around my childhood and growing up with my brothers in South London. This will be at the heart of the show, sprinkled with other songs old and new, as well as a small selection of Kate’s wonderful melodies!

You can listen free at

Admission to watch live is £4 – please contact the station at the above link and see the poster below for more information. Andy and his dad ‘Mr’ John will be more than happy to help.

Music and
Love from Brian

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